Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Or worse, Robin. Or worse."

So guess what? Life is hard. Really hard. I'm finding it difficult to be a truly good person. I try really hard. And somehow, I always find myself making mistakes. I know it's natural, but I mean over and over and over again? Can't I ever just live in peace?

I've come to realize AND accept that with certain people in my life, I will never be able to live in peace. And it comes with great sacrifice.

I love a man and I love him dearly. He makes me SO happy and he really loves me and he does everything possible to make me happy. His EX-WIFE...does everything possible to make my life a living hell. She is miserable, therefore, everyone else must be miserable, even though I try to be nice and polite to her.

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. "
-Esphesians 4:31-32

This is what God says. How? God grant me the strength to be a good enough person to be compassionate to such a horrible human being. I try and I try and still she comes back at me with a new problem. Something she complains about, something she wants to use against us. MORE LIES. How do I face a problem where someone uses lies against me and my family? And what do I do when she wins? Do I turn the other cheek then? Do I let her walk away with the family that I've been building a life with?

Dear God,
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.

On a personal note, you have given me so much. Please give me the strength to deal with this situation in the proper manner. It worries me everyday that I don't know which direction I need to move in when dealing this person. I just want what's best. God help me.

With Love,
D. Grayson