Saturday, May 29, 2010

Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose!

Not a moment to fucking lose. I am so tired of packing and moving, that I've just deduced myself to the most unmotivated person EVER. I CAN NOT wait until everything is all said and done. I can't wait for this day to be over. I can't wait for tomorrow. I can't wait from Monday. I can't wait for the next 3.5 weeks to fly by. Then, maybe, JUST MAYBE, I might be able to fucking relax.

Next week is the appointment for my nose, which will determine whether or not I need surgery for my nose. Then once that is handled, I can start working on my settlements. Which is fan-fucking-tastic. I'm ready to get this show on the road. Giddy up. Come on. Keep on keepin' on. Keep on truckin'. Get to it. READY TO ROCK!

*SIGH* Can this day be over yet, please?

"Careful, Robin. Both hands on the Bat-rope." Or I might fall?

D. Grayson OUT!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Remember Robin, always look both ways.

You ever have just a straight fucking downpour in your life and wonder if the rain is ever going to let up? That's where I am right now. I am fairly positive person, but man! How much shit can one person take before they go completely fucking insane? I'd really like to know, because I feel like I'm there. I have reached the breaking point where I officially feel 100% defeated. My heart is heavy, I have a permanent stomach ache and I have a fucking cold. Are you joking? A cold!

I don't even want to hit the bottle to drown my miseries, because you know what, when I wake up, they'll still be there and all I'll be left with is problems and the brown bottle flu. So fuck you bottle. You aren't my friend, as much as you pretend to be.

I just want to be free of this feeling. I want to feel good again. Why "the man" insists on bringing me down all the fucking time, I will never know. I hate having FML moments. Why can't I have a LML moment?

Fuck all the people who are trying to make my life miserable. I'm tired of letting you reduce me to this unhappy person.

"Planting a timebomb in a local library is a felony."

Quit planting fucking timebombs on my life, assholes. I'm fucking over it!

D. Grayson OUT!