Saturday, March 20, 2010

This is why Superman works alone.

As I sit here, by myself watching an old movie on TV that I've already seen a hundred times, I wonder.

Why is it that I'm sitting here by myself? I used to be cool. I used to be the girl that everyone called to find out what was going down on a Saturday night. I used to have a phone book full of friends to call when I had some time with nothing to do.

Apparently... I'm not that girl anymore. Now I'm the girl sitting at home on a Saturday night reading on Facebook about what everyone else is doing.

I know, I know, sad little pity party I'm throwing myself right? Well damn, how is a girl supposed to feel good about her social life when the highlight of her night was realizing that Erin Brokovich was on TV.

At this point, a pity party is the only party I've got.
