Friday, March 5, 2010

"I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"

Yo B. Wayne. Fo shizzle, my nizzle, mo fizzle.

For the record, abbreviations of any kind (including "k" for "OKAY" *cough*B. Wayne*cough*) are always unacceptable. You are American, you speak English, fucking type in mother fucking ENGLISH!! I don't fucking care if you are a 16 year twat text messaging for BFF for life. You're parents sent you to fucking school so you could learn the fundamentals and appropriate tools to succeed in life. "Yo Ma. We B GN 2 da club 2nite. u rollin N ur car or mine" is no fucking longer acceptable. We ain't from the hood, ya heard. You're fucking white and American no less. You know how to speak English and proper English at that.

It takes you not even a second longer to type your instead of ur. And if you can't spell, use fucking T9 which will either A.) correct you or B.) not spell out the word until you spell right, which in a sense is teaching how to spell the word correctly in the first place. Sounds like a fucking win-win if you ask me.

Go back to fucking school and learn some fucking English.

D. Grayson OUT!