First off, I want to start by saying that I have two cats that have very strange habits. One of them really likes liking a.) plastic bags and b.) my arm. Not just any arm, but my right arm, to be very specific. And you can't leave a fucking plastic bag out unless you want to hear that little fucker licking away at it day and fucking night. Even when I'm trying to sleep, so all bags have now been hidden and put away. The cat would lick my arm raw if I let him, but that little ass, rough tongue hurts. Its like sand paper, but miniature.
The other cat LOVES to the lick the wall. Not any wall, but the two same spots. It's weird. He will be quiet and then all of the sudden its as if, he is trying to lick the wall like a fucking ice cream cone. And he does it when I'm trying to sleep. These cats, I swear.
I love you, little meow-meows, but quit fucking licking!!
D. Grayson OUT!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Of course, Robin. Even crime-fighters must eat.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
This is why Superman works alone.
As I sit here, by myself watching an old movie on TV that I've already seen a hundred times, I wonder.
Why is it that I'm sitting here by myself? I used to be cool. I used to be the girl that everyone called to find out what was going down on a Saturday night. I used to have a phone book full of friends to call when I had some time with nothing to do.
Apparently... I'm not that girl anymore. Now I'm the girl sitting at home on a Saturday night reading on Facebook about what everyone else is doing.
I know, I know, sad little pity party I'm throwing myself right? Well damn, how is a girl supposed to feel good about her social life when the highlight of her night was realizing that Erin Brokovich was on TV.
At this point, a pity party is the only party I've got.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's all a blur. Like a horrible day-mare.
GASP! My precious companion died protecting me. I didn't want to replace you, but I can't go on without doing so. You are my partner in life and you made sure I was safe always. I wish I could just bring you back to life, since you so courageously took your final breathes in attempts to keep me in one piece. You did just that, my dear friend. You will always hold a special place in my heart, for you were the first to truly capture it. You weren't just a material object to me. You were a part of my family. You brought much joy to my life and it saddens me deeply to let you go. I will always love you. I am so proud of you and what you did for me. It was honor serving with you. Your replacement is nice, but he is not you. He can never be you. You will always be first and your memory and spirit will be with me forever.
I live. I ride. I am. JEEP.
D. Grayson...JEEP's Beloved...OUT!
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
"Even crimefighters need their sleep, Robin."
I didn't sleep for shit last night.
I fell asleep and then had awful dreams.
I usually have very vivid dreams and I normally remember most if not all of it the next day. Sometimes this is cool...sometimes I have really random dreams about ridiculous things that I can call and laugh to my friends about. Sometimes the dreams aren't good, and I wish that I could be like everyone else and wake up without a memory.
Ten years ago one of my Mom's best friends, who I called my Aunt, who WAS my Aunt in all the important ways, was murdered. She was killed brutally and horribly in her home in the middle of the night. I won't get into the details, but obviously it was bad. That same week, four days later my younger brother who was eight years old at the time fell off of his bike while I was watching him (I had just turned 17) and tore his pancreas, severed his liver and collapsed one of his lungs. He was flown in the LifeFlight Helicopter to a nearby childrens hospital for surgery, where he remained in the hospital for a month.
That was the worst week of my life. I was terrified for my brother, and terrified of the world because of what happened to my Aunt. All of the bad things that you see on the news that only happened to other people, happened around me all at the same time and it overwhelmed me on a fundamental level.
Ten years later and I still can't handle being alone in my apartment at night without a light on, and the TV on. I hate going places where there are large amounts of people because my faith in humanity was ruined a long time ago.
My nine year old daughter doesn't have a bicycle at my house because I CAN'T watch her ride it without having a serious anxiety attack. Just the thought of how quickly everything can go badly is more than I can handle sometimes.
These dreams that I have about that week, reliving it over and over again, keep me rooted in that moment. Steeped in that kind of pain, I feel like each time I wake up afterwards, I am right back in that 17 year old mind, terrified and dissapointed in the world.
I don't know how to make the dreams stop. I don't know how to get past that fear, or to forgive the world for having seen its dark side.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
"I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
Yo B. Wayne. Fo shizzle, my nizzle, mo fizzle.
For the record, abbreviations of any kind (including "k" for "OKAY" *cough*B. Wayne*cough*) are always unacceptable. You are American, you speak English, fucking type in mother fucking ENGLISH!! I don't fucking care if you are a 16 year twat text messaging for BFF for life. You're parents sent you to fucking school so you could learn the fundamentals and appropriate tools to succeed in life. "Yo Ma. We B GN 2 da club 2nite. u rollin N ur car or mine" is no fucking longer acceptable. We ain't from the hood, ya heard. You're fucking white and American no less. You know how to speak English and proper English at that.
It takes you not even a second longer to type your instead of ur. And if you can't spell, use fucking T9 which will either A.) correct you or B.) not spell out the word until you spell right, which in a sense is teaching how to spell the word correctly in the first place. Sounds like a fucking win-win if you ask me.
Go back to fucking school and learn some fucking English.
D. Grayson OUT!
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 4:45 PM 0 comments
"Good grammar is essential, Robin."
Ok. I have blogged on other blogs before, about the importance of speaking (and typing) like an intelligent adult. This morning while cruising a "Mommy Website" that shall remain nameless *coughbabycentercough* I realized again how many women there are out there (and with children no less) that do not realize this importance.
In one thread post the words "shizzle", "yo", and fantastic abbreviations like "ur" and "h8t" were used.
Seriously. It is one thing if you are a 16 year old girl text messaging her BFF. Then it might be considered acceptable to abbreviate "your" to "ur". THIS WAS NOT A TEXT MESSAGE. This was a four paragraph long post. This woman had ample space to use CORRECT COMPLETE WORDS, and really...there is no excuse to turn "hate" into h8t". There just isn't.
I don't claim to use perfect grammar...but I promise that if you are reading this blog you will NEVER see the words "shizzle", "yo" or the text message abbreviations used (unless of course we are making fun of someone).
That is all.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sometimes, in life, some people make mistakes. Not everyone is perfect all the time. He made an honest mistake and yes, it almost cost me my life, but it didn't and he did his best to make up for it. He could have been a complete jerk and not cared and given a shit about me, but he made me his number one priority. He refused medical care until I received mine. Not very douche baggery if you ask me.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 8:18 PM 0 comments
I disagree D.Grayson
If he wasn't a Douchebag he would have been paying attention and NOT HIT YOU.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Holy heart failure, Batman!
Well, I have a broken nose, a mild concussion and lots O' bruises. Some man, who wasn't a douche bag, he was actually very polite and had my well being as his top priority. He failed to yield to me as he was turning left and I was traveling Northbound. He hit me head on, causing to dig under my tires and causing my lovely Jeep to take flight...and then roll...and roll...and roll...and roll...and skid to halt sideways.
I remember telling myself to be as calm as possible and to just be awake when it stopped. I gripped my hands around the steering wheel and locked my arms and tucked my face between my arms until I stopped spinning. I remember being so scared, but trying to hold myself together long enough to get myself out of the vehicle.
As soon as I stopped spinning, I unbuckled my seat belt, not realizing I'm completely upside down and I will myself to crawl out of the Jeep window and get to safety before I fell to pieces.
Well I got to safety and my mind was a scattered mess. However, everyone involved is alive and well, which is the most important. Both vehicles involved are completely demolished. They will never live to see another day. I'd like to say thank you to Zach, who helped pulled me out and would not leave my side. Most other people would only have cared about themselves.
I am safe, although greatly battered and bruised.
D. Grayson OUT!
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 3:55 PM 0 comments
D. Grayson is ok.
I've been updated on the condition of my dear sidekick and she is ok. Bumped, Bruised and sore, but will be ok.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 10:29 AM 0 comments
D. Grayson...are you ok?
"Come on, Robin, to the Bat Cave! There's not a moment to lose!"
Last night my hetero-lifemate was in a car accident she was hit by some DOUCHEBAG and flipped her car. She called me at four am to tell me what happened and to ask what she should do. She didn't get in the ambulance (which she should have done) and once she got home was starting to feel the pain. She didn't go to the ER last night but texted me this morning to tell me she was in the ER because her head and her face hurt.
I haven't heard from her in like an hour and now I'm starting to get all twitchy and worried.
I'm about to start calling the ER for an update if she doesn't answer a text message soon.
Posted by B. Wayne & D. Grayson at 7:20 AM 0 comments