Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"That's an impossible shot, Batman."

Then God said, "Let there be light!" So there was light.

I've come to realize that I let myself become so consumed in my stress and the daily happenings of life, that I never truly let myself enjoy what goes on in my life. Some things really aren't as bad as they seem and I need to just fucking relax. Take things as they come. Let it roll off your shoulders. Roll with the punches.

In this story, we have Child #1, which is the oldest, Child #2 is the second oldest, CHild #3 is the third oldest and Child #4 is the youngest.

Yesterday morning, I'm up and at 'em and trying to get the kids out the door and Child #2 decides to throw up in the sink. He doesn't have a fever, so we decide to let him go to school and if he throws up again, we will come get him from school. The two oldest get dropped off at school and on the way to Cabela's, Child #3 throws ALL OVER himself in the backseat. We decide to swing by home and get a change of clothes for him. We get him changed and get on our way.

We get to the Starbuck's (I've started to have caffeine withdrawals at this point) and when I get back into the car, the school has called and we need to go back and pick up child #2, because he has now thrown up EVERYWHERE. We are now on our way to Cabela's for the second time, when Child #3 proceeds to take off his shoe and vomit in his shoe multiple times (I'm starting to panic at this point). Not five minutes later, Child #4 starts grabbing his stomach and proceeds to vomit all over himself!!

I can not make this up! I am shocked. I don't know what to fucking to do. I look at my significant other and do you know what he's doing? HE'S FUCKING LAUGHING!! Not chuckling, not snickering. A very loud, toothy-grinned, boisterous LAUGH! And I look at him, mouth open, hands in the air, just at a loss for words, and I find that all I have left to do, is laugh myself. We ended up going to Wal-Mart, buying some new shirts and shoes (because Child #3 vomited in his shoe, remember? Not necessary, but very creative, so I can't really fault him for that) and we went on our merry way to Cabela's and all the kids were fine.

I do worry A LOT! I over stress and I know that a very LARGE majority of the time, it is completely unnecessary. I won't change over night, but it is something I plan on making a conscious effort at trying to fix.

I really need to worry less and start being more spontaneous and enjoying my life before it passes me by and I'm left wondering where my life and time went and I'll have no one to blame but myself.

Well, that's it for now, folks. Until next time...

"That's a negative attitude, Robin."

D. Grayson...OUT!